Quotes Gallery

"We Prepare for the future we never know we will make to. But that's the beauty of life you never know that whether you will make it or not, and that is why you have to keep going; keep going until you finally reach your true destination." --Aheed Uddin Basri

"I think Everybody should get rich and famous and do everyhing they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer" --Jim Carrey

"Life's a Roller Coaster Ride"

"Your Outer Beauty Will Captures The Eyes: Your Inner Beauty Will Capture The Heart"

"Beautiful People are not always good but good people are always beautiful" --Hazrat Ali Ibn Ali Talib R.A

"The Nature Doesn't Care About Anyone"

"Always Remeber To Remove The Thorns To Enjoy It's True Beauty"

"True beauty can never hide under make-up or filtered photos"

"A good marraige is a contest of generosity"

"It's All About Finding Your Perfect Match"

"Every Daughter Is a Princess To Her Father"

"We tend to steretoype beacuse it helps us make sense of a highly confusing world"

"STOP THIS! Not Every Couple is GF & BF"

"Don't let society define who you are. You are one unqiue self that no one can ever be"


"It is not disgrace not to reach the start, but it is a disgrace to have no start to reach for"

"Be Grateful, You only know what is in the present or what has passed by, but Allah knows your Future" 


"Hyde: If you cannot bear then just embrace it"
"Jekyll: I can't,............ I can't embrace It. It's a fight that I have to fight until the End"

"Sunsets tell us that every chapter of life either worse or happy should end and sunrise tell us no matter how the ending was you can always begin again"

"Hope is that faint light that glows the world filled utter darkness"