Students & Their Percentage

This article is dedicated to all those students recently got their SSC result.

July 25th, 2019

Just a normal day for people like us, but was it a normal day for the students of SSC board Karachi? 

The answer may differ from person to person but the truth is that it was a really special day for each and every child whose result came out. For some, it was happy memories while for others it was the day when a sorrow broke out on them. Well, few don’t care about what happened because they were happy that they are actually matric passed. Wooh! 

My Bittersweet Memories: - 

Recently the result for SSC Part 2 has been announced and it took me back to the days when I was waiting for my result. My bittersweet memories of receiving a decent percentage. Because a good percentage means good college and eventually a good university. This is how things in Pakistan works. We work hard for a higher percentage but not to gain any knowledge from it. We "rattafy" contents of chapters for sake of percentage and not to dive deep within the chapters to know what it actually wants to teach us. 

Well, only students are not to hold accountable for the "rattafication" this is something our board demands from us. If we don't get enough percentage we won't be admitted to a decent college and that will result in more decline in percentage and a road to shattering dreams. But there are more flexibilities to this article. 

The Purpose of the article: - 

The purpose of this article is to reach out to every student and tell them that no matter what happened on that day, no matter how much percentage you got, it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that were you grateful to Allah that you got that percentage? were you happy with it? If the answer to those question is no then kiddo you are going the wrong way. Believe me on that one. I have also gone through those tormenting days, but somehow, I got the answers that is why I am writing this article. Now if you are thinking what is this idiot saying, I didn’t get the percentage I deserved then how can I be happy about it? How can I be grateful for it? Then let me clear out your misunderstanding. But before that take some time out, stop reading this article and ask your self did you or did you not get the percentage you deserved. Did you work hard enough to reach this destination or somewhere in the middle you fell down? I’ll be right here go ahead ask that. 

If you are not satisfied, I am over here, Keep on reading! 

If you are satisfied with your answer then congratulations, but if not then keep reading. In Shaa Allah I hope it will satisfy you. So, let me throw some worldly facts towards you. 

Most of the kids think that percentage has everything to do with their future but I must tell you that it doesn’t, not a single job interview asks you about your matriculation percentage. It is just an idiotic stereotype in Pakistan that the brown parents lie to their kids. Another fun fact is that even in the industry the only thing that matters is how skillful you are. If you even think about it as the company aspects what good can you give to an industry with your percentage? Brag about it? Hide it? In any of that, what is the profitable work that you are doing for the company or even for yourself? Can you answer that? If not then you are starting to get into the right direction. 

Undeniable Facts: - 

Let’s talk about tech giants like Google or Microsoft, they don’t even require your undergrad degree, the only thing they ask for is what skills can you provide to the company. 

Do you know what percentage did Mark Zinger burger (Zuckerberg) got when he was doing his high school or what grade did Thomas Alva Edison got when he got rejected from elementary school because he was special? His mother homeschooled him and look what he achieved. Everyone knows that Bill Gates dropped out of the university before he became one of the richest men on earth, or do you know what degree Albert Einstein has? All of these and other people like them did wonders to the earth we live on. How, just because of their abilities and not the grades they got. People tend to remember what are your contributions to society rather than what percentage you got in your matriculation or intermediate. 

A great mind once said: - 

Tomorrow is my exam, but I don’t’ care because a single sheet of paper can’t decide my future. 
--Thomas Alva Edison

But don’t take it for granted because this system won’t. 

[I really hope this doesn’t get to the Mark, cause I really can’t pronounce ‘Zuckerberg’] [Just Kidding!] 

Don’t Drop Out Because of Reading this: - 

All those facts were not to encourage you to drop out start doing your own things. NO, PLEASE DON’T EVEN THINK OF DOING THAT. Otherwise, your parents will run on me saying this happened because of your article. All I am trying to say is follow your dream, because if you are not doing what you like then you are wasting your time. 

One of my respectful teachers once said that no person or not a single test you take in this world can judge your true ability. It’s just a matter of time until you dare to show the world what you truly are. Even if you look in-depth for it, it becomes clear that how can bubbling some answers can judge what are your true abilities. Some kids are good at theory while others are good at performing practical’s that is how all these fields were made. Some require extensive knowledge over theory than practical while others require knowledge over practical work. Take the example of computer science and computer engineering, computer science is about the theories of computer while computer engineering mostly works based on making and operating computers. And like those, there are many other fields. I can only give you those examples because I am doing computer science right now. 

Dedication of this article: - 

This article is dedicated to all those students who think that percentages decide their future. Well, they are wrong about it, it doesn’t. Only you and Allah decide your future. You only know what is in the present or what has passed by, but Allah knows your future. So, don’t lose hope in Him. What happened to you today was probably the best thing happened to you, for your sake. You might not understand it today but someday you will. And when you will, you'll be really grateful for it. Trust me on that one. So, I hope the cracks in your heart have mended a little. Well, they'll be completely fine in a few days In Shaa Allah. 

Trust me on this one too 😉 

--Written By Aheed Uddin Basri
-- Edited By Rameen Fatima