
This article is dedicated to all the people in the world because, in my opinion, I don’t think there is a single soul on this planet who doesn’t have fears inside him. It is a matter of fact that every person fears one thing or another, like some fear from injections other fears from there secrets, but one way or another everyone has fear in them.

Now reading till here you might be thinking that the beginning of this article is different from the name of the article, so I must tell you this first to hold down to your horses and get ready for an amazing journey of facts ahead of you.

Why I am writing this article : -

Well, the real reason for me to write this article was because of something I saw not a long time ago from now. I know some of you might be thinking what was the thing that I saw that inspired me so much that I am writing this article, but I am not going to tell you that :) because that is something I fear to tell the world. See! Even I have fears. Just like that everyone fears something, and it is not a bad thing to be afraid, because the people who became courageous are the ones who are most afraid. Now you must be thinking is this guy mad or something; how can a person who is courageous is the most afraid one. So if you are this much curious then keep on reading this article.

How do the most afraid people become courageous : -

Let me cool down your curiosity. In the above statement, I wrote that people with the most fears become courageous ones, and that is true. How? Because they are mostly afraid to lose things that are dear to them, and because of that fear, they have to muster up the courage so that they can protect that thing or person with all their life; and that is how the most frightened person becomes one of the most courageous people. If you are still not satisfied to let me give you an example, that will help you more.

Look! If a person likes their smartphone, he or she will do anything to protect it. Either from falling or getting the phone snatched. They will buy the most protective cover they can find under their budget to protect it, also they will take all the protective measures they can to protect their dear phone. Another example can be taken like military hides all their secret weapons like (atom bomb) because they are afraid that if the bombs go to someone who will use them at their disadvantage it will cause harm to many people, many lives will be at stake or the whole world might be at stake. So to protect it they take all the security measures they can to protect it.

Just like that people take protective measures to protect the things that are most dear to them and to do that they have to be courageous enough.

“Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are our own fears.”
— Rudyard Kipling

The Real Topic Starts From Here : -

Just like the heading tells us, the real topic starts from here. So what is the real topic and why did I tell you about fears? The answer is simple, it’s because anyhow creating personalities is somewhat connected with having fears, and for some people, it is not any kind of fears but it’s something that has broken their hearts completely. If you are still confused let me give you a simple example. Think about yourself for a minute, are you the same kind of person with everyone you meet? Go ahead stop reading and first ponder into the question I just threw at you.

Are You Done Thinking? Then Keep On Reading : -

So, what is the answer? Let Me Guess, and the answer is…….. NO!

Oh WOW, I am so great at guessing games 😀 Just Kidding! Well, how did I knew the answer? It is simple, nobody in this world is the same as every other person he/she meets. For example, If a person is meeting with his/her parents or their teachers or someone elder, they might act more formal and respective towards them; the tone in which they talk to them might be very different than when they talk to someone of their age or designation. If a person is talking to their friend they might act differently or if someone is talking to their loved ones (you know what I mean 😉) they will act differently. So, how is this connected to one’s fear? Well, deep down it is the fear that holds us and makes us a completely different person in front of different kinds of people. I guess you don’t want your parents to see how you behave in front of your friends, and because of that fear, your personality changes completely. For some people they become a completely different person; and by a completely different person, I mean a totally new person, a person with a different name, different mindset, etc. Well, what kind of people are they? Let me tell you in a bit, but first, have you ever heard of the word DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) a.k.a Multiple personality disorder? If no, then keep on reading and even if the answer is yes then still keep on reading.

Dissociative Identity Disorder : -

First, let’s go through some boring definitions so that it can help you better understand what DID is.

Dissociative identity disorder, formerly referred to as multiple -personality disorder, is characterized by a person's identity fragmenting into two or more distinct personality states. People with this condition are often victims of severe abuse.

Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder (MPD), is a mental disorder characterized by the maintenance of at least two distinct and relatively enduring personality states. This is accompanied by memory gaps beyond what would be explained by ordinary forgetfulness. The personalities alternately show in a person's behavior; presentations, however, are variable. Other problems that often occur in people with DID include borderline personality disorder (BPD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, substance use disorders, self-harm, and anxiety.

So, as you read above and even if you go on the internet and search more about this condition you would find that people having these kinds of problems are mainly abused by someone or something, and to remove those kinds of pain they create multiple personalities within them. Those personalities are created as a defense mechanism so that they can keep the real person away from harm. Some professionals believe that DID is caused due to childhood trauma. In about 90% of cases, there is a history of abuse in childhood, while other cases are linked to experiences of war or health problems during childhood.

The connection between Fear and Personality : -

Well, it is clear that when a person is abused, mostly in childhood they create the mental state know as DID. It is their fear that tears their heart into pieces and to hide their pain they create different versions of themselves (a false image). It is not that a DID is incurable but once it is created it is extremely difficult to get rid of it. Once you are broken in tiny little pieces it very difficult to mend them just like a glass. If you break a glass into tiny pieces and then try to glue it all together, it might come back in one piece but all the cracks within cannot be gone EVER!; and just like that it loses all of its beauty. That’s the same case with human’s feeling once it is broken into pieces, it might heal but the cracks remain in it.

Just like that this conversation can go on and on, so let me jump to conclusions now. So that you don’t get bored a lot.

I know Your Time is Important : -

Heading says it all. So what we got to know during our time with this article is that it doesn’t take much to be good to someone. Also remember that fear is just a lie, most of the great things lie ahead of your fear. Remember fear has two meanings, and you might have heard of it.

F: Face                          F: Forget
E: Everything                 E: Everything
A: And                            A: And
R: Rise                           R: Run

Tell us your story in the comments section below. It helps when you share your stories with other people. Keep reading, stay Healthy and remember to be courageous.


--Written By Aheed Uddin Basri
--Edited By Rameen Fatima Basri