Everyone Has A Story

And they lived happily ever after.  A line we usually hear in most fantasy movies and dramas ending. But does happily ever after really exist? There may be happy endings for some but for others, there are only sad ones. It is not that there are only bad endings or fortunate endings, both types of endings exist in different phases of life, but is there really any cessation to life?

 To be honest, conclusions are the inception of a new event in your life. Now, sure that the ending of a particular chapter in your life might not be a happy one but remember that it's not the ending of your whole life. You still have your remaining life to live. The past might hurt you but that isn't the end of your tale it's the present instant that defines you who you really are. So, live the moment with its fullest who knows it's the last moment of your life. 

Life's a rollercoaster ride. One time you rise and cherish the wonderful days of your life but eventually, that ride does come down sometimes and there you have to go through the most tormenting days of your life. And each day you break a little more and experience the world's cruel realities. When a person is in great grief or sorrow everything around him becomes negative and in those time if he sees someone happy, they start to wonder, why are they happy while we are not? This is something called human nature. The person might seem to be happy but who knows what's inside of his heart. He might have put a facade of happiness on the outside but from inside, his own demons are slowly annihilating him. 

No person in this word can be truly happy, that's a bitter fact of life. No matter how much success you've achieved or how rich you've become there will always be a reason that's going to bring sadness in your life. The reason for this post is not to make you sadder but to tell you to embrace life as it is. No one is born strong or weak. Their circumstances shape them into what they become. 

When we think life is going perfect, a problem comes by and ruin it, but that is the thing about life. We have to see some bad times to truly cherish the other blessings of life. Life is all about solving various problems and that's what makes it complete. Take an example of a car battery, if both negative and positive terminals aren't connected you cannot start the engine and move the car ahead. That is the same matter with life and its problems, if the life is only with problems then suicide rates will be far greater then birth rates, else if the life is only with happiness (which is not possible, at least not in this world) then you'll get bored from your life. Jim Carey once said:
 " I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer."

My story starts with the time I started fantasizing of becoming a doctor.  I started working hard day and night to achieve good marks and as much as my physical and emotional self could afford, I did my best. But the biggest tragedy of my life happens in 2016 when I was in the first year of my intermediate and my brother suffered from horrendous jaundice. We immediately started the treatment but as time passes instead of disease to abate it intensified. Those days were seriously horrible and only if I had the power to erase my memory, I would have definitely deleted that part of my life from my mind. 

My exams came in between those six months and because my brother was hospitalized those days my mind would always wander around him. Even when attempting paper. He's my world and I cannot deny that. We may fight a lot but the truth is we cannot live without each other. And when the doctor said he has some days left to live my heart would always tell me if he's not alive what's the reason for you to live. And at that point a beautiful verse would always cross my mind, ALLAH DOESN'T BURDEN A SOUL MORE THAN IT COULD BEAR.  And it's true sadness do last, pain does changes to happiness. Wounds do heal. And finally, you may find your light at the end of the dark tunnel. After the whole painful year, we did experience the happy days of him being completely healthy. But what I lost amidst that chaotic time was my dream. I didn't achieve good grades in my first year of intermediate and that results in my failure to get admission in medical college. With only one percent short I lost my chance and there I decided I should give a try to the pharmacy and here I am becoming a pharmacist. How I got into pharmacy is a story for another time In Shaa Allah. 

But here I wanna tell you that if you lose hope in your worst days thinking they can never be fixed then remember that there is always sunrise after a dark night. You just have to go through the night to witness the beauty of the first ray light in the morning. 

If your mind is positive only then you will be able to see the genuine beauty in everything. Happiness originates with a positive mind. No one can help you find happiness but only you. See the elegance in everything, be happy in all kind of situations knowing that this shall too pass. Sadness won't last forever, someday you will find your happiness. 

Everyone has a different situation; everyone has a different story it's up to you how you shape your story and how you tell the world about it. So, what's your story?

-Written by Rameen Fatima
-Edited by Aheed Uddin

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  1. Ammazingg , welldone guys In the end you are measured not by how much you undertake but by what you finally accomplish.
    Good work 😊

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  3. The pain you feel today is the strength you will feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth.

    1. Wise words. Thank you soo much for reading our article. If you want more articles like this please support us and subscribe us to get the latest updated. Thanks again
