About Us

Do You Wanna Know About us?

Really! 😃
Okay! So here’s our story my name is Aheed Uddin Basri and alongside with me is my sister Rameen Fatima Basri, ‘the actual writer’ almost all of the blogs are actually written by Rameen and I am just a technical expert. I actually handle all the stuff regarding blog page management and other kinds of stuff like that.
You might have understood it by now how are we called “The Sibling Bloggers”. Duh! Cause we are siblings….. 😃😃
Just kidding! I know you guys are a lot smart then the world thinks you are.
Are You???

Anyways, we created this blog page just because we wanted to tell the world what we think regarding any topic that comes to our mind and wanted to try something crazy because as Steve Jobs once said and I Quote: 
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do". -SteveJobs
 By the way, most of the topics are suggested by me. Yeah, I know! She only writes. But that’s the hard part because literally I cannot write and she doesn’t know how to manage pages and stuff like that, so we are incomplete without each other. That’s what makes us sibling bloggers. I hope you guys enjoy our blogs. If you do please support us by sharing our blogs and follow us on social media pages. If not then please still support us because criticism is easy but a true and honest appreciation is something that only some people can give and that’s what makes the difference as Dale Carnegie once said: 
“Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.”-Dale Carnegie